Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Buy a Car: Rule Number One...

Okay- no excuses, I know... No blog post last few days- been hustling around the place- trying to make a "dollar out of fifteen cents" (thanks Fiddy) but as I deal and wheel around the place- I want to reiterate the number one rule in the art of the deal... Let's say, the car deal...

Buying a new car? That's exciting- but it can be a lot of hard work. And it can be a lot (lot) harder if you approach it as if car salesmen are scum, out to get your hard-earned money and rip-you-off blind.

While that may be the case for some very rare, crooked car operations- the best advice I can give you- just do your homework.

In this day of information technology- there's no excuses not to do some online hunting for facts, figures- (and if you're buying) cold, hard numbers.

(I don't know if I've plugged it yet- but and are two excellent sites to do your numbers homework.)

But the number one rule- and I'm going to keep this brief because 1.) I'm tried and 2.) it's pretty broad and 3.) well, there is no three that I can think of right now...

Rule number one: be reasonable.

Okay, I said it was brief- not simple.

What's reasonable?

Don't go into a car dealership, or any other establishment expecting to get something for nothing.

I'm not saying don't try to get a deal- but if you deal your wheel too much- you're never going to be satisfied- making the car buying experience (or widget buying experience) that much harder on yourself.

I'm not saying don't "push," just don't "shove" yourself into a situation (or a corner) you're never going to be totally satisfied with.

I'll leave you with this final thought- and I promised to be brief tonight...

The happiest customers I could remember when I was selling cars were the ones I made-out-with the most money on (we call it "holding gross" in the car business). They were the happiest- despite maybe paying a little too much- well, ignorance is truly bliss- and they left happy. (Sure- I made money- I was happy too...)

The worst customers, and by worst- I mean, most miserable and unsatisfied- paid the least. And this had nothing to do with my paycheck- honestly- these people were miserable.

If you pride yourself in being "one tough cookie" when it comes to a deal- well, chances are- you are... But I'll bet my gross, my bottom-line- you'll never be satisfied- at any price.

So- want to leave a negotiation (okay, a car negotiation) on a positive note?

Find that very fine line between knowledge, price and the situation at hand- evaluate your wants, what you're looking to get but leave with the ringing tones of reason in your head- nobody, not even car salesmen can be expected to bow-down to your every whim.

Not only is it bad business- but, let's be reasonable. Nothing comes for nothing.

Sooner or later- you have to ask yourself- is it worth it? What's your bottom-line number on piece-of-mind? Satisfaction? Happiness? A shiny new car?

Reason. It's certainly more expensive that you give it credit for.

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