Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sad, Really... What People Do to Strum Business...

It seems that the Fourth of July was just a week or so ago- wait- it was... But when I was a kid- as far as I was concerned- July 4 was the beginning of the summer...

It's not quite yet the 15th of the month- and what are major retailers pitching?

Back to School.

Just a few weeks ago- kids were graduating- now major retailers and advertisers are slinging ads with kids in schools- donning book bags, playing patty-cakes in school-yards, doing whatever... It's fucking July people- but... things are so bad these days- parents probably have to start financially planning to send their kids back to school... now.

Okay- maybe I'm being hasty- and I'll attest- I'm not a master marketer in anyway, shape or form- but I bet you see all these "Back to School" savings in mid-July because, well... Mid-August is just too close a pinch for most these days- better start saving for your kids clothing and school supplies now!

When I was a kid, the end of Summer meant watching TV to see the old Roy Rogers commercial- with the Four Seasons' "See You in September" theme- with the cafeteria ladies serving lunch.

That was an instant depression if there ever was one.

Thankfully- I'm over school- forever. No more schooling for this guy, right here. No, I have other things to get depressed about.

Maybe I'm wrong- See You in September- will now forever mean "Buy Baby, Good Buy" as far as sales are concerned.

Premature, depressing or not.

A little side-note- I mention The Four Season's See You in September- but to my avail- that was a cover of the The Tempo's original version.

Then again- what do I know.... School or no school- I learn something new, everyday.

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