I'm amused at the resurgence of iPhone mania- as Apple launches its all-new and improved iPhone 4. Some 600,000 have already been pre-ordered, despite minor distribution issues.
I'm a fan of the iPhone- I've been using one since July 2, 2007, just a day after the original debuted.
Yes, I'm still using the same, old, original iPhone. ("Loser," right?) Now, when that thing came-out- it was a big deal. And not because I bought one.
The anticipation of the then all-new concept of an iPhone was big news. The first, viable, fully customizable phone that could sync-in to your home computer, well- it was nothing short of revolutionary.
For this Mac user- it was a must have- the capstone to my iMac, my Powerbook, my MacBook, my thousands of dollars of pretty, white and shiny Mac accessories.
I paid over $500 for revolutionary- even had to return it a few times- because, alas, there were issues- but... Almost three years later, I still have a phone.

I also paid $500 to be one of the first in my circle of friends to have one- shit, I was a bona fide celebrity at work- and those idiots took to the iPhone like cavemen took to the discovery of fire.
Now, every idiot has an iPhone- and they should- it's a good phone.
But what amazes me is- the hysteria among the masses seems to get greater and greater as these new iPhones roll-out. It's on the web, it's in the news. It's on social networking sites- like a virus.
There's an old high-school friend of mine on my Facebook (who I haven't spoken to or seen in like 15 years) nice enough guy- became a doctor.
He's married- lives in California, has a child. He's done quite well for himself, I suppose- if that's what you want.
But what I don't get it is- the enthusiasm this seemingly accomplished, busy person is spewing constantly over the net about this stupid phone.
It's just a phone.
Shit- if I were married- had an important career and an equally more important job of being a father- the last thing I would be doing is broadcasting every minute detail (daily, almost hourly) about the roll-out of this stupid phone, on Facebook too, no less.
It's not a stupid phone, its a smart phone, but if I had a life where important things were going on in it- the last thing on my mind would be my stupid phone.
Well, easy for me to say- despite not having much going on too monumental (and I may add- nothing too monumental is going on in car-land- hence the lack of posts lately- I am sorry), I could care less about my phone.
I mean, it's at my side constantly- I do use it a lot for serious business. But it works fine- until it breaks- I'm not buying a new one, for lack of being a "winner" with the latest, and greatest toy.
The other night I fell like a ton-of-bricks, incidentally on a ton-of-bricks- a friend of mine was laying a stone patio and in the dusk of night (and lack of outside lighting- that'll be the next home project I guess) I fell, quite swiftly, over a pile of pavers in his backyard.
I was fine, I am fine. Just a minor scrape on my shin, no bruises, aches, pains or broken-bones, thank God.
I will tell you this- falling at 31 is not like it used to be- but, thankfully, I'm in decent shape enough to be able to still take a downward hit. (And strangely enough- I found it funny too, like I was some kinda toddler, learning to walk or something.... Fall and tell me how it makes you feel.)
My old, original (read aluminum) iPhone took a nice hit too- it's got a neat dent in it- a dent that would have killed a newer, now plastic iPhone.
Funny how I'm proud of this dent. The phone took the business-end, the hard edge of a concrete paver- better the phone than my upper quadricep!
If you take the hits and survive- you're proud of most anything, no matter how small, or serious the dings, and dents may be.
But when you've been there, and done the iPhone before every loser who's now online Twittering about the all-new iPhone 4, well- you'll too think twice about buying a new one.
Seemingly, with this bored society in which we now live- iPhones are still a big deal.
Easy for me to say- I did it first. Then again- I've always been first with the toys.
My advice to you- buy an all-new iPhone 4.
Just don't hurt yourself- you'll never look at your stupid iPhone quite the same way again. **
(**Doctorate may be required...)
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