I've heard Google has latent plans of taking over the world, they've certainly redefined it... However, this is plain stupid.
At what point-in-time are we going to stop the Internet and the online revolution take-over every nook of our daily lives; specifically, how we drive?
Actually- I'm not worried about it. Because cars that drive themselves, or the ideas of them, have been around long before the Internet... and Google.
Personally, I think this is a PR ploy on Google's behalf to stir-up some emotions, looking beyond the fact that Google, thus far, is widely regarded as a "one-trick-pony" to those in-the-tech-know.
It's certainly not original- General Motors at one time during the 1950's (when the Cadillac was "The Standard of the World," not Google...) thought of implanting America's roads with a magnetic strips- their cars would steer to them- much like a toy slot-car would.
I'm not mad at Google- I like them... they own Blogger- and without them- well, I wouldn't be writing this.
(Well, writing this on here.)
But one thing I will be doing, right now- is going to the store, in my own car, that doesn't drive itself, thankfully.
The car, it's not a toy.
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