Toyota- just as you thought the very worst is over- yet more recalls are coming-to-light- this time, it's with the steering mechanisms in some Toyota Avalon and Lexus LX 470 SUV models.
As reported here, by the Associated Press.
If anything- this recall is keeping the service departments at their respective dealerships gainfully employed with overtime.
At the rate Toyota is going- don't be surprised if they are commended for being the biggest payers of hourly wage overtime in 2010.
And don't be shocked if some quirky ad-man makes a funny tongue-in-cheek poster entitled "The 2011 Toyota Avalon... 2015's Mass Product Recall... Today." A hail to my two favorite ad-proposals...
Chrysler's 1957 very famous Plymouth campaign for the Forward Look "Suddenly It's 1960":

And the (some would say- an original Madison Avenue Mad Men) Jerry Della Femina's 1970 book entitled "From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor" originally an idea for a Panasonic television ad...

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