Last night I clicked a Domino's pizza for dinner- and it came- delivered to my door.
I'm on the computer so much- doing so many different things that when the doorbell rang- I was a bit startled at what it could be...
It was the pizza. Holy shit- this online thing actually worked.
Now, Domino's has been advertising their pizzas as completely re-vamped; new and improved.
Not just a new label- or new campaign. It said so on the box...
The pizza was good- then again, I never had a pizza- or a collection of dough, cheese and sauce I didn't eat, and didn't like- but it took a few hours to figure out what was "new" here...
Well, everything was new- just it took till around 1:30PM today to figure it out- after my four-mile jog mind you...
Garlic butter.
As I heated-up some leftovers for lunch (after my jog... did I mention I jogged four miles with no ill-effects of eating the said pizza? That's a good thing with me....) it hit me like a ton of bricks, (er) calroies- the new Domino's pizza is the old Domino's Pizza but with the Papa John's dipping garlic butter sauce- already basted to the bottom and the crust.
The pizza was delicious- don't get me wrong- but... Alas, add butter to most anything and it will invariably taste better. A lot better.
But I'll testify- Domino's pizza is a Good Product- and should be ordered, or clicked when the mood strikes you for pizza- nobody makes a butter pizza for the time, and the money.
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