But the father wanted him in something strong- something that wouldn't get away from him and potentially hurt him.
When I got to the car- he had already taken ownership of it... Talking to me like I didn't know the car... What do I know? That's a good question.
I know a lot- and I shared with him (and the father) some pearls. But, you do learn something new everyday- and as strong as the Turbodiesels are (wreck a W123- and you'll appreciate the car around you... it's a domestic tank for lack of better words...) the father had brought something to light that I would have no way of knowing...
The father worked in movies- not as an actor but as a set and scene coordinator and one of his assignments was for the movie I Am Legend- the Will Smith movie about the end of the world... Anyway, his assignments included tearing apart cars with torches- one of the set cars was a vintage W123 and wouldn't you know... They had a hard time tearing it apart.
You know you're dealing with a good car when you can't even cut it apart- but that's not mythical- it's by design. All Mercedes-Benzes of this era were over-engineered, head-and-shoulders above most anything on the road.
The problem Mercedes-Benz is having now is- most everything else isn't that much different (for better or worse) than that what they're building now; but 30 years ago, literally, nothing, not even a BMW came close to the engineering and quality that you got with a Mercedes-Benz. But anyway... They're still arguably the best new cars on four wheels-

The kid was taken by the car... I knew I could have had this car- we had the "in," but I thought fast and hard- and this wasn't for me. Not now... Not knowing what I know. Besides, if I'm going to put any money into an old car- it's going to be the one sitting in my driveway now- she needs- she always needs something... (More like I'd like her to have... like better paint or chrome...) But with a vintage Mercedes it's never a matter of needs now, but rather- it will eventually need... In 5, 10, 15 years... They run broken beautifully.
And that's what I told the father and son. When I bought my car, I was in college. The guy who sold it to me, a mechanic, said "it'll get you through school..." as it sat it would- but after my father and I were done with it that summer- I had a car... One that has lasted over a decade.
But that's just a tip of the iceberg.
I warned them- if you want it right- it'll cost you... And it will. But this kid was hungry for it.
I looked at the car for a friend for her- she needs transportation. I looked at it for myself out of a mild fantasy.
The young man was looking at it out of obsession.
I asked him if he had ever seen Christine? But of course he had... In fact, he was beginning to look a lot like Arnie if I had ever met him.
Everyone needs that. Especially at his age. Obsession. If I had to do it all over again- I only wish I were younger- when everything is a big deal.
The older you get- the less magical and the more practical things become.
I told him- it's rusty, it leaks, water gets in... It's drafty and it's slow at times... It's bad in the snow. But it's a great car. Buy it.
I'll always have my Turbodiesel. It's only fair that this young man get his... He had that look... He was gone.

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